October 03, 2015



Pengertian Wali Abdal adalah al-Abdal berarti pengganti. Dinamakan demikian karena jika meninggal di suatu tempat, mereka menunjuk penggantinya.

Mereka termasuk para auliya yang hidup di bumi. Hal ini sebagimana hadits nabi yang diriwayatkan oleh al-hakim dalam kitabnya al-kuna الكنى ) ), Rasulullah saw. Bersabda:

الأبدال من الموالي ولا يبغض الموالي إلا منافق
"Abdal termasuk para Auliya dan tidak ada yang membenci Auliya kecuali orang munafik".
Menurut al-Bani, hadits dari Hakim ini termasuk hadits mursal dan Abu Daud memuatnya dalam kitab al-Mursalat (hadits-hadits mursal).

Di kalangan sufi, banyak istilah atau nama-nama wali selain dari wali abdal. Ibnu Arabi dalam kitabnya Futuhatul makiyah, membuat klasifikasi tingkatan wali dan kedudukannya.Sedikitnya terdapat 9 tingkatan, secara garis besar dapat diringkas sebagai berikut :  
1. Wali Aqthab atau Wali Quthub
Wali yang sangat paripurna. Ia memimpin dan menguasai wali diseluruh alam semesta. Jumlahnya hanya seorang setiap masa. Jika wali ini wafat, maka Wali Quthub lainnya yang menggantikan.

2. Wali Aimmah
Pembantu Wali Quthub. Posisi mereka menggantikan Wali Quthub jika wafat. Jumlahnya dua orang dalam setiap masa. Seorang bernama Abdur Robbi, bertugas menyaksikan alam malakut. Dan lainnya bernama Abdul Malik, bertugas menyaksikan alam malaikat.
3. Wali Autad
Jumlahnya empat orang. Berada di empat wilayah penjuru mata angin, yang masing-masing menguasai wilayahnya. Pusat wilayah berada di Kakbah. Kadang dalam Wali Autad terdapat juga wanita. Mereka bergelar Abdul Haiyi, Abdul Alim, Abdul Qadir dan Abdu Murid.
4. Wali Abdal
Abdal berarti pengganti. Dinamakan demikian karena jika meninggal di suatu tempat, mereka menunjuk penggantinya. Jumlah Wali Abdal sebanyak tujuh orang, yang menguasai ketujuh iklim. Pengarang kitab Futuhatul Makkiyah dan Fushus Hikam yang terkenal itu, mengaku pernah melihat dan bergaul baik dengan ke tujuh Wali Abdal di Makkatul Mukarramah.
Pada tahun 586 di Spanyol, Ibnu Arabi bertemu Wali Abdal bernama Musa al-Baidarani. Abdul Madjid bin Salamah sahabat Ibnu Arabi pernah bertemu Wali Abdal bernama Mu’az bin al-Asyrash. Beliau kemudian menanyakan bagaimana cara mencapai kedudukan Wali Abdal. Ia menjawab dengan lapar, tidak tidur dimalam hari, banyak diam dan mengasingkan diri dari keramaian.
5. Wali Nuqoba’
Jumlah mereka sebanyak 12 orang dalam setiap masa. Allah memahamkan mereka tentang hukum syariat. Dengan demikian mereka akan segera menyadari terhadap semua tipuan hawa nafsu dan iblis. Jika Wali Nuqoba’ melihat bekas telapak kaki seseorang diatas tanah, mereka mengetahui apakah jejak orang alim atau bodoh, orang baik atau tidak.
6. Wali Nujaba’
Jumlahnya mereka sebanyak 8 orang dalam setiap masa.
7. Wali Hawariyyun
Berasal dari kata hawari, yang berarti pembela. Ia adalah orang yang membela agama Allah, baik dengan argumen maupun senjata. Pada zaman nabi Muhammad sebagai Hawari adalah Zubair bin Awam. Allah menganugerahkan kepada Wali Hawariyyun ilmu pengetahuan, keberanian dan ketekunan dalam beribadah.
8. Wali Rajabiyyun
Dinamakan demikian, karena karomahnya muncul selalu dalam bulan Rajab. Jumlah mereka sebanyak 40 orang. Terdapat di berbagai negara dan antara mereka saling mengenal. Wali Rajabiyyun dapat mengetahui batin seseorang. Wali ini setiap awal bulan Rajab, badannya terasa berat bagaikan terhimpit langit. Mereka berbaring diatas ranjang dengan tubuh kaku tak bergerak. Bahkan, akan terlihat kedua pelupuk matanya tidak berkedip hingga sore hari. Keesokan harinya perasaan seperti itu baru berkurang. Pada hari ketiga, mereka menyaksikan peristiwa ghaib.Berbagai rahasia kebesaran Allah tersingkap, padahal mereka masih tetap berbaring diatas ranjang. Keadaan Wali Rajabiyyun tetap demikian, sesudah 3 hari baru bisa berbicara.Apabila bulan Rajab berakhir, bagaikan terlepas dari ikatan lalu bangun. Ia akan kembali ke posisinya semula. Jika mereka seorang pedagang, maka akan kembali ke pekerjaannya sehari-hari sebagai pedagang.
9. Wali Khatam
Khatam berarti penutup. Jumlahnya hanya seorang dalam setiap masa. Wali Khatam bertugas menguasai dan mengurus wilayah kekuasaan ummat nabi Muhammd,saw.
derajat Wali yang disandang sesorang itu adalah merupakan anugrah dari Alloh yang telah dicapai seorang hamba dalam mencari Hakekat Alloh ( Aripbillah). Bahkan ibadahnya seorang wali itu lebih utama dibandingkan dengan ibadahnya seorang Ulama yang A’lim.Kenapa demikian ? seorang Wali telah mencapai hakekat Alloh sedangkan seorang ulama baru tahap mencari jalan untuk mencapai hakekat Alloh. wali dapat diketahui dengan wali yang lain ada juga seseorang yang menjadi wali Alloh tapi dirinya tidak tahu bahwa dia seorang Wali.

Hadits-Hadits Wali "al-Abdal"
Hadits yang berkenaan dengan wali abdal diriwayatkan dari Umar bin Khathab, Ali bin Abi Thalib, Anas bin Malik, Hudzaifah bin al-Yaman, 'Ubadah bin Shamat, Ibnu Abas, Abdullah bin Umar, Abdullah bin mas'ud, 'Auf bin Malik, Mu'adz bin Jabbal, Wasilah bin al-Asqa, Abi Sa'id al-Khudri, Abi Hurairah, Abi, Dar'da, Ummu Salmah.Meskipun banyak sahabat yang meriwayatkan tentang hal ini, namun tidak terdapat dalam shahih Bukhari maupun Muslim.

  Jumlah wali abdal

a. Wali Abdal ada empat puluh orang (mereka berada di Syam)

Jumlah wali Abdal sebanyak empat puluh orang. Hal ini didasarkan atas beberapa hadits, diatranya adalah hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh abu Muhammad al-Hilali dalam kitabnya Karamat al-Auliya, dari Anas bin Malik, ia berkata bahwa  Rasulullah saw. bersabda:
ثنا ابو بكر بن شاذان ثنا عمر بن محمد الصابونى ثا ابراهم بن الوالدالجشاش ثا ابو عمر الغدانى ثنا ابو ثلمة عن الخراسانى عن عطاء عن انس قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم :    الأبدال أربعون رجلا، وأربعون امرأة، كلما مات رجل أبدل الله تعالى مكانه رجلا، وكلما ماتت امرأة أبدل الله تعالى مكانها امرأة
            "Abdal ada empat puluh lelaki dan empat puluh perempuan. Apabila salah seorang lelaki itu meninggal, Allah menggantikan tempatnya dengan lelaki lain dan apabila salah seorang perempuan itu meninggal, Allah menggantikan tempatnya dengan perempuan lain".

  Menurut al-Jauzi, hadits ini maudhu.
Ibnu 'Adi meriwayatkan dari Muhammad bin Zuhair bi al-Fadhl bi al-Aila dari 'Amr bin Yahya bin Nafi dari al-'Ulya bin zaidal dari Anas bin Malik, Rasulullah saw. bersabda:
البدلاء اربعون رجلا اثنان وعشرون بالشام وثمانية عشر بالعراق كلم مات منهم واحد ابدل الله مكانه اخر فاذا جاء الأمر قبضوا كلهم فعند ذالك تقوم الساعة
"Wali abdal ada empat puluh orang laki-laki, dua puluhdua di Syam dan duabelas di Irak Apabila salah seorang lelaki itu meninggal, Allah menggantikan tempatnya dengan yang lain. jika mereka semua meninggal, maka terjadilah hari kiamat".

Dalam Mu'jam al-Ausath, At-thabrani meriwayatkanya dengan lafadz:
عن انس قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم :  لن تخلوالأرض من اربعون رجلا مثل خليل الرحمن فبهم يسقون وبهم ينصرون ما مات منهم احد الا ابدل الله مكا نه آخر
          "Dari Anas berkata, Rasulullah saw. Bersabda" bumi tidak akan kosong dari empat puluh oarang laki-laki seperti Khalilu Rahman mereka memberi minum dan memberi pertolongan. Tidaklah mati salah seorang dari mereka, kecuali Allah menggantikan kedudukanya pada yang lain".

  Ahmad bin Hanbal dalam musnad-nya meriwayatkan,
حدثنا عبد الله حدثني أبي ثنا أبو المغيرة ثنا صفوان حدثني شريح يعنى بن عبيد قال ذكر أهل الشام عند علي بن أبي طالب رضى الله تعالى عنه وهو بالعراق فقالوا العنهم يا أمير المؤمنين قال لا إني سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول الأبدال يكونون بالشام وهم أربعون رجلا كلما مات رجل أبدل الله مكانه رجلا يسقى بهم الغيث وينتصر بهم على الأعداء ويصرف عن أهل الشام بهم العذاب   (احمدبن حنبل)

"Diriwayatkan dari Abdulah dari bapaknya dari Abu al-Mugirah dari Shafwan dari Syuraih bin Ubaid, ia berkata (bercerita) tentang penduduk Syam dari Ali ra. Ketika itu ia berada di Irak, kemudian mereka bertanya, ya Amirul mukminin, apakah mereka (orng-orang Syam) itu dila'nat?Ali menjawab, tidak, sesungguhnya aku mendengar Rasulullah saw. Bersabda,"(wali) Abdal berada di Syam, mereka berjumlah empat puluh orang laki-laki, apabila salah seorang lelaki itu meninggal, Allah menggantikan tempatnya dengan lelaki lain: mereka memberi minum (orang Syam) dengan air hujan, menolong mereka (orang syam) dari para musuh, serta menghalau bencana terhadap penduduk syam". 
Dalam hadits lain, Thabrani dalam Mu'jam al-Kabir, meriwayatkan:
حدثنا أبو زرعة عبد الرحمن بن عمرو الدمشقي ثنا محمد بن المبارك الصوري ثنا عمرو بن واقد عن يزيد بن أبي مالك عن شهر بن حوشب قال لما فتحت مصر سبوا أهل الشام فأخرج عوف بن مالك رأسه من ترس ثم قال يا أهل مصر أنا عوف بن مالك لا تسبوا أهل الشام فإني سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول فيهم الأبدال وبهم تنصرون وبهم ترزقون (معجم الطبراني الكبير)
"Diriwayatkan dari Abu Zar'ah Abdul Rahman bin bin 'Amr al-Dimsyaqi dari muhammad bi al-Mubarak al-Shauri dari Amr bin Wakid dari yazid bin Abi Malik dari Syahr bin Hausyib, ia berkata, "ketika kemenagan Mesir (Futuh Mesir) mereka (orang-orang Mesir) menghina para penduduk syam, maka keluarlah pemimpin mereka 'Auf bin Malik, kemudian ia berkata, "wahai rakyat Mesir janganlah kalian menghina/mengolok-olok penduduk Syam karena saya pernah mendengar Rasulullah saw. Bersabda,"bahwa di antara penduduk syam ada al-Abdal. Mereka memberi pertolongan dan rizki". (HR. Thabrani)

 حدثنا أحمد بن داود المكي ثنا ثابت بن عياش الأحدب ثنا أبو رجاء الكلبي ثنا الأعمش عن زيد بن وهب عن بن مسعود قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لا يزال أربعون رجلا من أمتي قلوبهم على قلب إبراهيم يدفع الله بهم عن أهل الأرض يقال لهم الأبدال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إنهم لم يدركوها بصلاة ولا بصوم ولا صدقة قالوا يا رسول الله فبم أدركوها قال بالسخاء والنصيحة للمسلمين  (معجم الطبراني الكبير)
"Dari Ibnu mas'ud, ia berkata bahwa rasulullah saw. Bersabda,"Selalu ada dari umatku empat puluh orang laki-laki, hatinya seperti hati Ibrahim. Allah menempatkannya sebagai ahli ardi. Mereka ini disebut sebagai abdal. Bersabda Rasulullah saw." Mereka tidak diketahui dengan (banyak) shalat, puasa atau shadaqoh". Sahabat bertanya, ya Rasulallah dengan apakah mereka bisa diketahui? Rasul menjawab," dengan kemurahan (kedermawanan) dan pemberi nasihat kepada orang muslim". (HR. Thabrani)

b. Wali Abdal ada tiga puluh orang
Dalam riwayat lain, jumlah wali abdal sebanyak tiga puluh orang. Hal ini berdasarkan informasi hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Thabrani dalam Mu'jam al-Kabir,
ثنا عبدالله بن احمد بن حنبل حدثنى محمد بن الفرج ثنا زيد بن الحباب اخبرنى عمر البزار عن عبيسة الخواص عن قتادة عن ابى قلابة عن ابى الأشعث عن عبادة بن الصا مت قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم:   الأبدال في أمتي ثلاثون: بهم تقوم الأرض، وبهم تمطرون، وبهم تنصرون

"Diceritakan dari Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Hanbal dari Muhammad bin al-Faraz dari Zaid bin al-Hubab dari 'Umar al-Bazar dari 'Ubaisah al-Khawashi dari Qatadah dari Abi Qulabah dari Abi al-'Asyas dari 'Ubadah bin Shamat, ia berkata: bersabda Rasulullah saw."al-Abdal dari umatku ada tiga puluh orang: mereka memelihara bumi,menurunkan hujandan memberi pertolongan"
Ahmad bin Hanbal meriwayatkan dari 'Ubadah bin Shamat,
حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الْوَهَّابِ بْنُ عَطَاءٍ أَخْبَرَنَا الْحَسَنُ بْنُ ذَكْوَانَ عَنْ عَبْدِ الْوَاحِدِ بْنِ قَيْسٍ عَنْ عُبَادَةَ بْنِ الصَّامِتِ عَنْ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ أَنَّهُ قَالَ الْأَبْدَالُ فِي هَذِهِ الْأُمَّةِ ثَلَاثُونَ مِثْلُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ خَلِيلِ الرَّحْمَنِ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ كُلَّمَا مَاتَ رَجُلٌ أَبْدَلَ اللَّهُ تَبَارَكَ وَتَعَالَى مَكَانَهُ رَجُلًا قَالَ أَبِي رَحِمَهُ اللَّهُ فِيهِ يَعْنِي حَدِيثَ عَبْدِ الْوَهَّابِ كَلَامٌ غَيْرُ هَذَا وَهُوَ مُنْكَرٌ يَعْنِ حَدِيثَ
          "Diceritakan dari 'Abdul Wahab bin 'Atha dari hasan bin dakwan dari 'Abdul Wahid bin Qais dari 'Ubadah bin Shamat dari Nabi Muhammad saw, ia bersabda," "Abdal dari umatku adatiga puluh orang laki-laki, hati mereka seperti hati Ibrahim Khalilu Rahman, Apabila salah seorang itu meninggal, Allah Tabaraka Wata'ala menggantikan tempatnya dengan lelaki lain".
Meskipun hadits dari Ubadah bin Shamat di atas marfu, namun hadits ini termasuk hadits maqthu', karena Abdul Wahid bin Qais tidak pernah bertemu dengan Ubadah. Karenanya hadits ini dianggap lemah (dhaif).

 Ciri-ciri wali Abdal

Ada beberapa indikasi atau ciri-ciri yang dimiliki oleh wali Abdal. Ciri-ciri itu diantaranya adalah ikhlas, pemaaf, dermawan, bersih jiwanya, suka memberi nasihat, dan mereka masuk surga bukan karena amalnya (bukan karena shalat, puasa atau shadaqoh), tetapi mereka masuk surga karena rahmat Allah, kemurahan hati, kebersihan jiwa, dan karena suka memberi nasihat.
Menurut Sahl bin Abdullah, seseorang itu bisa menjadi Abdal karena empat hal, yaitu: pertama, sedikit bicara, kedua, sedikit makan, ketiga, sedikit tidur, dan keempat, mengasingkan diri (I'tizal).
Menurut Ma'ruf al-Karkhi, barang siapa yang berdo'a:
( اللهم اصلح امة محمد اللهم فرج عن امة محمد اللهم ارحم امة محمد ) setiap hari sebanyak sepuluh kali, maka ia termasuk Abdal.
ثلاث من كن فيه فهو من الأبدال الذين هم قوام الدنيا وأهلها : الرضا بالقضاء والصبر عن محارم الله والغضب في ذات الله , ( موضوع 1474)
"Ada tiga perkara apabila seseorang memilikinya, ia termasuk dari al-Abdal, mereka (abdal) yaitu orang yang menjaga dunia dan penduduknya. (tiga perkarara itu adalah): orang yang ridha dengan qadha (ketetapan Allah), sabar atas sesuatu yang diharamkan oleh Allah dan orang yang marah hanya karena Allah".
علامة أبدال أمتي أنهم لا يلعنون شيئا أبدا . ( موضوع1475)

            Dalam kitab Su'bul Iman, al-Baihaki meriwayatkan,
أخبرنا علي بن أحمد بن عبدان أنا أحمد بن عبيد نا بن أبي شيبة نا محمد بن عمران بن أبي ليلى أنا سلمه بن رجاء كوفي عن صالح المري عن الحسن عن أبي سعيد الخدري أو غيره قال رسول الله  صلى الله عليه وسلم  إن أبدال أمتي لم يدخلوا الجنة بالأعمال ولكن إنما دخلوها برحمة الله وسخاوة الأنفس وسلامة الصدور ورحمة لجميع المسلمين   (  شعب الإيمان الإمام البيهقي)
          "Diriwayatkan dari 'Ali bin Ahmad bin Abdan dari Ahmad bin 'Ubaid dari Abi Syaibah dari Muhammad bin Imran bin Abi Laeli dari Salmah bin Raja dari Shalih al-Mary dari Hasan dari Abi Sa'id al-Khudri (atau dari yang lainya), Rasulullah saw bersabda," sesungguhnya (wali) Abdal dari umatku tidak akan masuk surga karena amal (nya), tetapi ia masuk surga karena rahmat Allah, kemurahan jiwa, kebersihan hati dan karena rahmat orang-orang muslim".

April 10, 2015

SUFI_LEVELS OF HEART_FASAL_The Spiritual Hajj of the Heart

The Spiritual Hajj of the Heart
Allah (swt) says; Neither My Heavens nor My Earth can hold Me, but the heart of my servant, the believer, is a house for me.

Qiyama {resurrection} and Shafat Kubra the Grand intersession.
All mankind will go to Prophet Adam asking for help then to Prophet Nuh Then to Prophet Ibrahim Then to Prophet Musa Then to Prophet Jesus Then To Prophet Muhammad {s} Peace and Blessings be upon then all.
We Must go deep into the importance of These Nabi’s / Prophets [as]
  • The Qiyama / Day of Resurrection
  • The Heart
  • The Kabah
  • Searching for Allah, Allah (swt) says; Neither My Heavens nor My Earth can hold Me, but the heart of my servant, the believer, is a house for me. ..and sanctify My house for those who compass It round, or stand up, or bow, or prostrate themselves (therein In prayer). (AI-Hajj:26)
  • To be with Allah we must be with Nabieen Prophets ,Siddiqeen Truthful, Shuhadah Witnesses wa Saliheen Righteous.

It is known that physical worship is an imitation of what is real, and the Hajj is no exception. The reality of worship is completely different for one who has attained a higher level of understanding and sincerity compared to the common individual, and it is for this reason that Prophet (S) said that although two individuals may pray beside one another and superficially appear not unlike one another, yet the difference between their prayers is as the difference between the heavens and the earth.
The reality of worship is known to the soul, and he who is close, or in union as Awliya are, to his soul will find infinitely greater depth in his worship. All souls are by divine will in a state of Islam and in perfect surrender to the Lord of Heavens. Thus the closer one moves towards himself, his true self, the closer he or she will come towards the identity of “Abdullah,” an honored servant of the Divine. The journey towards oneself is but the journey from the superficial world of illusion to the genuine world of spiritual reality. This is the journey from the superficial self, the ego, to the only true and real Self – Sayyidina Muhammad (S).

Regarding this particular time, the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, Prophet (S) said, “There are no days more loved by Allah for you to worship Him therein than the ten days of Dhul-Hijja. Fasting any day during it is equivalent to fasting one year and to offer Salatul Tahajjud (late-night prayer) during one of its nights is like performing the late-night prayer on the Night of Power (Laylatul Qadir).”
These first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah are the days of the Hajj, the pilgrimage for all believers towards the House of God, and so hold special significance for Naqshbandis and spiritual seekers of truth. Because the soul is in constant and perpetual service and surrender, it never fails to perform its obligatory worship. This is the time of pilgrimage and the soul is going. Now is the time for those who seek unity and reality to go with their souls on this spiritual journey, on this Hajj of the heart, and to find the essence of their goal, to enter and to be annihilated in the House of God – in the Presence of Sayyidina Muhammad (S).

The secrets of the heart, as revealed by Mawlana Shaykh (Q), are meant to show us that he who takes steps to come to know himself will, by the grace of God, come to know his Lord. Now is the time to make the internal journey through these levels and to reach their end, the beginning of real reality.
Following are the five stations of the heart and their corresponding meanings and practices. Embrace these practices during Muraqaba, meditation, and take from the endless fruits Allah (SWT) is offering to any who but ask.

Seek to understand Why your Heart has 4 valves and the Kabah has 4 corners.

(1)   Qalb – the Heart. Dhikr “Ya Sayyid.” Seek annihilation in the presence of the Shaykh (Q). Being the station of Sayyidina Adam (A), come to realize the secret of the honor Allah (SWT) bestowed on mankind when He said, “And I have honored the children of Adam (A).”

(2)   Sir – the Secret. Dhikr “Ya Sahib.” Seek to become of the Martyrs and Saints, the Witnesses, who know and see the truth by having turned away from the illusion of dunya. At the station of Sayyidina Noah (A), learn from him sincerity of belief, real and substantial Iman/ faith, that one may progress towards Ihsan – perfection in the Divine Presence of God.

(3)   Sir Sir – Secret of the Secret. Dhikr “Ya Siddiq.” Here one seeks to become of the Siddiqeen, the perfect lovers and servants of Prophet (S), they who have turned away from dunya completely and who have no attachment to it whatsoever. It is they who have severed all connections to this world and have overcome its pull completely.
  • Beings of pure light without mass whose physicality have been utterly burned away by the fire of divine love, they are absolutely free from the gravity of this world.
  • From Sayyidina Musa (A) learn that no one may see Allah (SWT), yet that one may by His grace see His Greatest Sign – the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad (S). And partake in his quest to learn that reality, the Muhammadan Reality, from none other than a Naqshbandi Shaykh, for it is they who hold the key to that secret.
  • Thus Sayyidina Khidr (Q) led him to the Border Point, where the two rivers meet, where the Pen writes the two rivers of “La ilaha il Allah Muhammad RasulAllah,” wherein they converge towards the eternal and absolute ocean of reality known only to Sayyidina Muhammad (S).
  • With this reality then embrace Sayyidina Ibrahim (A), the father of all Hajj rituals, he who uttered the might dhikr, “Subuhun Quddus, Rabbuna wa Rabbul Malaikatihi wal Ruh” – Glory to the Pure, Our Lord and the Lord of the Angels and the Soul. Partake in his journey to discover his true Lord, as he moved from one level of spiritual unveiling to another, witnessing the progressive greatness of the Creation of Allah (SWT). And reach here the point where the worst fire dunya threatens to burn you with will be for you “bardan wa salaaman ,” calm and cool.
(4)   Khafa – the Hidden. Dhikr “Ya Rasul.” Having been dressed with the station of Sayyidina Abu Bakr Siddiq (Q) and completely annihilated in the love of Sayyidina Muhammad (S), seek now to become of the holy Household of Sayyidina Muhammad (S), and to be of real service to him.
  • Once Prophet (S) approves one who has been annihilated in his presence as from among his Ahl ul-Bayt, he is given entry into the Hidden, Baytullah, Ka’ba Sharif, and the real House of God.
  • Take the hand of Prophet (S) as your guide directly now to lead you to the 4th corner, to Hajjar al-Aswad, the Black Stone from Paradise, and kiss it and become purified and learn and inherit from its hidden realities.
  • Honor the one whose station this represents and allow Prophet (S) to guide you to his reality.
(5)   Akhfa – the Most Hidden. Dhikr “Ya Allah.” Herein your soul will receive heavenly emanations and the dress of the Servants of Allah (SWT), the Muhammadiun, the perfected mirrors of the Divine. Herein is complete annihilation and non-existence. Herein is perfect love and peace, unity of vision, light, life, love, knowledge, eternity.
Top View of Ka’aba
Allah order us to be with Nabieen Siddiqeen Shuhadah & Saliheen
4 Corners , 4 Caliph’s, 4 Takbirs
4 Valves
4 Elements
earth, air, water, fire
4 Enemies
Nafs, Hawa, Dunya, Shaytan
Allah (swt) says; Neither My Heavens nor My Earth can hold Me, but the heartof my servant,
the believer, is a house for me.
…and sanctify My house for those who compass It round, or stand up, or bow, or prostrate themselves (therein In prayer). (AI-Hajj:26)

Map of the Human Heart

Science of Heart & Secrets of The Saints
“the wise seeker must safeguard his breath from heedlessness, coming in and going out, thereby keeping his heart always in the Divine Presence; and he must revive his breath with worship and servitude and dispatch this worship to His Lord full of life, for every breath which is inhaled and exhaled with Presence is alive and connected with the Divine Presence. Every breath inhaled and exhaled with heedlessness is dead, disconnected from the Divine Presence.”
Oxygen-#1poor blood (shown in blue) flows from the body into the right atrium.
#2 Blood flows through the right atrium into the right ventricle.
#3 The right ventricle pumps the blood to the lungs, { This Where Dhikr on the Blood} where the blood releases waste gases and picks up oxygen.
 #4 The newly oxygen-rich blood (shown in red) returns to the heart and enters the left atrium.
#5 Blood flows through the left atrium into the left ventricle.
#6The left ventricle pumps the oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body.

April 01, 2015



The following discourse is an introduction to the realities of Sound and Silence according to the spiritual
teachings of the Naqshbandi-Haqqani School of Thought. The commentary on the spiritual levels of the
Heart is based on the teachings of As-Sayeed Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi, Representative of Mawlana
Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani {QS}. Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani {QS} is the
Deputy of GrandShaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al Haqqani {QS} and the Shaykh of the NaqshbandiHaqqani Sufi Order of America.
GrandShaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al Haqqani {QS} is the worldwide Leader of the NaqshbandiHaqqani Sufi Order

 Part I – Introduction to the Spiritual Notions of Sound and Silence
Relation Between Sound and Silence

We usually think of sound and silence as two opposite concepts. In fact, they are not
really opposites of each others. Both sound and silence represent two forms of sounds:
sound as we know it represents audible sound. It is the sound of the Known. On the
other hand, silence represents non-audible sound. It is the sound of the Unknown.

Silence is the sound of the Unknown.
The Unknown is referred to as “HU” in Islamic Spirituality. “Hu” is both a sound and a
Holy Name of God. The sound “Hu” is the most basic vibration in the universe. It is the
smallest sound, or the smallest vibration, that is produced whenever an object moves in
the universe. Since nothing in creation is in perfect state of rest (electrons are constantly
moving around the nucleus), it is safe to say that there is no place in creation where that
sound “Hu” is not produced.
Therefore, the real meaning of Silence, which is perfect absence of sound, does not exist
in the universe. In this world, when we seek to immerse ourselves in Silence, we are not
trying to shut our ability to hear sounds. On the contrary, we are trying to increase our
ability to hear a very specific sound: the vibrating sound of the Universe, which is the
sound of our inner Soul. That sound is the eternal vibration of “Huuuuuu”.

Importance of Sound
A sound represents a Message. When a sound is emitted, some information is moved
from the person emitting the sound to the person hearing it. At the very first stage of
spiritual development, that Message is the Calling towards Islam, which means
submission to the Lord. That initial stage of spiritual development is very critical
because it is at that stage that the child in us (the child represents the pure human soul)
hears for the first time the sound of his parents’ calling toward a righteous and spiritual
life. This is why whenever a baby is born, his parents whisper at his ears some Islamic
formulas such as the call to Prayer. These formulas are sounds that the baby can hear
long before he can see. Those sounds are reminders for the child. Indeed, they remind
that child of his true Origin in the Presence of the Lord.

 Melodious Sounds
Melody is a form of sound. Melody is connected to memory. This is the reason why
certain songs remind us of some past experiences. Melody is also connected to the
Memory of our real spiritual past in Paradise, where all human beings were with the first
man, Adam {Peace be upon him} as atoms in his body. The melodies we hear in this
world refresh this Memory and make us lighthearted and happy, because in Paradise,
there are endless beautiful melodies sung by Angels. Therefore, Sufis use melodies to
awaken that Divine Memory.

Importance of Silence
There is a voice inside all of us that is hidden and subtle. That subtle voice is the voice of
the Soul. The voice of the Soul is in love with Silence and it will only manifest itself
when its beloved comes. Our purpose on earth is to reconnect ourselves with that Voice,
which is the Voice of our inner conscience. In order to attract that voice, we need to
surround ourselves with what it likes the most.
The metaphor of the Angels who are attracted to nice smells adequately describes the
relation between silence and the voice of the human soul. To attract angels during our
prayers, we usually spray some nice perfume in the room. When angels smell that
perfume, they rush toward it and stay around the person who prays. Similarly, in order to
attract the angel of the voice of our inner soul, we need to spray the perfume of Silence
around us. When the voice of the soul smells the perfume of its beloved, it quickly
comes out of the ocean of the heart and starts speaking to us.
Therefore, silence means seclusion from the external world and conversation with the
inner spiritual world.

 Part II – Sound, Silence and the 5 Spiritual Stations of the Heart
About the 5 Stations of the Heart

According to the spiritual Masters of the Naqshbandi-Haqqani Sufi Order, the human
heart is a reflection of the spiritual Heart of the Prophetic Reality. This spiritual Heart
represents the Divine Ocean of Power (“Barh’ul Qudra”), which is the Origin of all
creations. Whoever reaches the Knowledge of the Heart is able to understand the true
Prophetic Reality of Nur Muhammad {s}, the Muhammadan Light {s} inhabiting the
Ocean of Power.There are 5 lata’ifs (subtle points of spiritual Energy), or Maqams (spiritual stations), on
the human heart. These five stations are, in an ascending order:
 Qalb (“External Structure of the Heart”)
 Sirr (“Secret”)
 Sirr as Sirr (“Secret of the Secret”)
 Khafa (“Hidden”)
 Akha (“Most Hidden”)

5 Stations = 4 Levels of Sound + 1 Level of Silence
Out of the 5 stations of the Heart, there are 4 that are related to creation and 1 that is related to the Creator. The last Station, called Akhfa (“Most Hidden”) is related to the Creator while the remaining 4 stations are grouped together as the stations that are related to creation. The first 4 Stations (the stations that are related to creation) have a special relation to Sound while the last Station (the station that is related to the Creator) has a special relation with Silence.

 4 Levels of Sound
Qalb represents the external call to Islam and to Union with the Light of
Prophet {SAW}. While listening to the call to Divine Servitude, the
seeker must remain humble and obedient to the Caller: Sami’na wa Atana
“We heard (the call) and we obeyed”. At the beginning, the Caller urges
the seeker to adhere to the external Divine Rules of God.
Sirr is represents the Islamic Sufi sound. At that level the seeker follows a
spiritual path (“Tariqa”) that will lead him to the Light of Prophet {SAW}.
As a Tariqa follower, the seeker listens to Zikrullah (Remembrance of
God through his Divine Names), Sallawat (Praising of Prophet {SAW}),
and recitals of Holy Quran. These sounds awaken the heart of the seeker
who begins to see the realities of praising. The seeker also listens to his
Shaykh who urges him to adhere to the internal rules of the Tariqa (Adab).
Sirr as Sirr represent the manifestation of the Divine Conversation that
takes place in the heart of the seeker. At that stage, the seeker interacts
with the Divine Light and starts hearing Heavenly voices. This station is
under the spiritual authority of two Prophets who used to converse with
Heavens in their times: Seydina Musa {as} talked to God through the
Burning Bush and Seydina Ibrahim {as} spoke to the Divine through
astrological codes and metaphors only him {as} could understand
.Khafa represents the Hidden Sound of the words of God. Whenever a
word is written, there is a sound associated to it. However, the sound is
not released until the word is spoken. Therefore, the sound is hidden and
contained in the letters of the word, waiting to become manifest as soon as
the letters are pronounced.

 1 Level of Silence

Akhfa represents Silence. As we saw earlier, Silence means seclusion
from all types of external sounds. Silence is the Sound of the Unknown.
The Akhfa station of the Heart is the Station of Annihilation; therefore all
sounds of creation are annihilated at that level. It is important to
understand that annihilation of the sounds of creation does not mean
annihilation of Divine Sound. Indeed, there are still some callings,
melodies, sallawat and conversations taking place in the Ocean of the
Black Station. However, these sounds are all related to the Divine. In this
aspect, one may say that Silence is the Sound of the Divine.
Each station is a complete universe appearing with particular characteristics. As the
murid (spiritual student) progresses on the Way that lead to the Divine, his Shaykh
(spiritual Guide) pours in his heart the knowledge that is associated with each station.
The ultimate goal is to reach the 5th
and last station of the Heart, for it is the highest
adobe of the Ocean of Divine Power within which dwells Nur Muhammad {s}, the
Muhammadan Light {s}.
A Journey Towards the Union with the Light of Prophet {SAW}
The 5 Stations of the Heart describe a journey towards the Union with the Light of
Prophet Muhammad {SAW} because Seydina Muhammad {SAW} is the only One who
has truly reached the Divine. This special honor is known as the Miraj (Journey toward
Allah Ta’ala). During this lifelong journey, the seeker frequently recites the utterance of
Prophet Muhammad {SAW}: “Illahi anta maqsudi wa ridaka matludi” (“Oh Allah, You
are my Destination and Your good pleasure is what I seek”). The Divine represents
indeed the seeker’s true Desire.
The unique closeness that exists between Allah {SWT} and Seydina Muhammad {SAW}
is manifested in the Islamic Prophetic Testimony of Faith (Qalimah): “La ilaha ill Allah
Muhammad Rasul Allah” (“There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His
Messenger”). As we can see, the blessed name of Prophet {SAW} is written right after
the Holy Name of God in the Qalimah.
Prophet Muhammad {SAW} is described by Allah {SWT} as a Shining Light, or Nur in
Arabic. Therefore, reaching the Light of Seydina Muhammad {SAW} means reaching
the Divine Presence of Allah {SWT}. The 5 Stations of the Heart lead to this Divine
Presence through the Reality of the Light of Seydina Muhammad {SAW}.5 Stations = 5 Senses = 5 Fingers
The 5 human senses are directly related to the 5 spiritual stations of the Heart. Each
sense is a manifestation of a spiritual station of the heart at the level of cognitive
o The first station (Qalb) is related to hearing
o The second station (Sirr) is related to sight
o The third station (Sirr as Sirr) is related to touch
o The fourth station (Khafa) is related to smell
o The fifth station (Akhfa) is related taste
The 5 stations are also manifested as the five fingers of the hand:

o The little finger corresponds to Qalb (1st Station)
o The ring finger corresponds to Sirr (2nd Station)
o The middle finger corresponds to Sirr as Sirr (3rd Station)
o The index finger corresponds to Khafa (4th Station)
o The thumb corresponds to Akhfa (5th Station)
The little finger corresponds to Qalb because it is the station of humanity (normal
individuals). As humans, we are indeed as weak as the little finger, and in constant need
of support.
The ring finger corresponds to Sirr because it is the station of the seal of Faith (Iman) that
is engraved on the ring the spiritual seekers symbolically wear. This station is the station
of the people of Tariqa who are the true spiritual seekers and who wear the ring of
absolute faith in their Guide.
The middle finger, which is the highest of all fingers, represents Sirr as Sirr because it is
the station of the most Perfect Representative of Prophet {SAW} who is the highest
spiritual Authority. This Representative is given complete and perfect authority over
creation and is therefore the highest spiritual human being living at any given era. This
highest authority is manifested as the superior height of the middle finger.
The index finger corresponds to Khafa because it represents the Shahada index, that is,
the designated finger we raise when we pronounce the Islamic testimony of faith. The
Islamic testimony of faith was brought by Prophet Muhammad {SAW} who is the first
one to declare the Unity of the Lord. At higher levels of spirituality the Khafa station
appears from the Reality of Seydina Muhammad {SAW} (see table below), that is why
this station represents the Shahada finger.
The thumb corresponds to Akhfa because it is the only station that is separated from the
other 4 stations (Akhfa is related to the Creator while the remaining 4 stations are related
to creation). Similarly, the thumb is the only finger that is separated from the other fingers (the thumb is considerably located below the other 4 fingers while these 4 fingers
are all the same level).
The 5 Senses and the Journey Towards Union with the Beloved {SAW}
If we look at the way the five senses are assigned to the five spiritual stations of the
Heart, we notice a clear movement: the senses describe 5 increasing levels of interaction
between the spiritual student and the object of his desire, which is the Light of Prophet
Muhammad {SAW}.
 First Level: Hearing the Call to Islam and Believing in the Unseen
At the very first level (the first station called Qalb), the seeker does not know about
the spiritual reality of the Light of Prophet {SAW}. In this state of ignorance, the
only way the seeker can know about the existence of a Higher Reality is through
listening to the call to Islam. Therefore, the notion of Sound plays a particular
important role at the first stage of spiritual development. At that stage, the seeker does
not see the Higher Reality that is calling him, but he hears about the beautiful
description of this Higher Reality. This description of the Beautiful Names and
Attributes of the Higher Reality brings faith to the seeker who starts believing in what
he does not see yet. The first step in religion is indeed to acquire belief in the
At this very first level, the seeker cannot see the Higher Reality because of the veil of
his ego which stands between him and the Higher Reality. Therefore, his vision is
obstructed by the wall of the bad characteristics of his ego.
 Second Level: Seeing the Reality after having destroyed the Veil of the Ego
After the seeker has heard about existence of the Higher Reality, he sets on a journey
to eliminate the bad characteristics of the ego in order to lift the veil of the ego that
stands between him and the Divine Reality. Through the spiritual training of his
Shaykh, he is able to “kill” all his bad traits until the wall of his ego crumbles down.
At that moment, the seeker can now see the Higher Reality he was believing in.
The seeker’s belief in the Message he was hearing (symbolically through the call to
Islam and spiritually through the information his Shaykh sends him) made him reach
the second level of the five stations of the Heart, where he is granted spiritual vision.
At that stage, the seeker is now a step closer to the Higher Reality because he now has
the ability to see and to hear. The next natural step for the seeker is to move closer to
the Reality standing in front of him up to the level where he can touch the Reality.
 Third Level: Touching the Reality
Through the spiritual power of his Shaykh, the seeker reaches the third level where he
is brought close to the Higher Reality of Nur Muhammad {s}, up to the point where
he is able to physically interact with the Reality. At that stage, the seeker is reborn as
a new baby, free from the bad characteristics of the ego, and pure as a crystal. This purity is the condition to physically interact with the Prophetic Light {s} because this
Light can only be touched by a clean and pure heart.
 Fourth Level: Smelling the Perfume of the Divine Presence
After the seeker has reaching the level of physical interaction with the Light, his
Shaykh brings him even closer to the Light so that he may smell the Perfume of the
Light. Perfumes are signs of the Presence of a higher reality, therefore the seeker
who is elevated to the stage of Smell is automatically transported in the Presence of
the Light of Prophet {SAW}.
 Fifth Level: Tasting the Reality
The last step on the way to spiritual realization is union with the Light of Prophet
{SAW}. Through the spiritual power of the Shaykh, the seeker moves from smelling
the Presence of the Light to disappearing in the Spirituality of Nur Muhammad {s}.
At that stage, the seeker does not need any external sensitive sign to interact with the
Object of his desire. Hearing, Sight, Touch and Smell are indeed all external
cognitive signs of perception while Taste is directly related to the inner soul of an
individual. The sense of Taste is the only sense that requires you to be one with a
reality in order to interact with it.
Table of the Characteristics of the 5 Stations (Live Discussion)
For more details about the spiritual characteristics of the 5 Stations of the Heart, please
visit Shaykh Nurjan’s web site
1st Station Name Qalb (Heart) Characteristic External Knowledge
Prophet Under the authority of Seydina Adam {as}
Higher Reality From the reality of the Sultan of Saints {QS}(Living Khalifa)
Sense Hearing
Color Yellow
Meaning Honor granted to the Children of Adam to be Abd Allah
Secret Meaning Station of the Sun, the king in the space of creation
Secret of Amana Rasul {SAW} – honor in the Assembly of Saints
Manifestation of Ayat “We have honored the Children of Adam”
Zikr Ya Sayyid
Relation to Sound : Listen to the Call to Islam – Listen to the external Guide2nd Station
Name Sirr (Secret)
Characteristic Knowledge of Tariqa
Prophet Under the authority of Seydina Nuh {as}
Higher Reality From the reality of Seydina Madhi {as} (Khalifa of the Last Days)
Sense Sight – Spiritual Vision of Realities
Color Red
Meaning Sacrifice of the ego – red is for the color of the blood of the ego
Secret Meaning Coming of the Imam in the time of the Spiritual War {Jihad an Nafs}
Secret of Tariqa as the Arch to save oneself from the flood of ignorance.
Zikr Ya Sahib
Relation to Sound : Listen to Zikr, Sallawat, Sufi Songs – Listen to the spiritual Guide
3rd Station Name Sirr as Sirr (Secret of the Secret)
Characteristic Knowledge of the Shaykh of the Tariqa
Prophet Under the authority of Seydina Ibrahim {as} and Seydina Musa {as}
Higher Reality From the Reality of Seydina Abu Bakar as-Siddiq {ra} (First Khalifa)
Sense Touch
Color White
Meaning Purity of the Soul – Station of Sincere People {Siddiq}
Secret Meaning Secret of Nur ala Nur (Light Upon Light)
Crystal of the Heart pure as a Light to receive Heavenly Light
Secret of spiritual Pigrimage and of Amal (Good Deed)
Secret of Binary Numbers – Speaking {1} and Hearing {0}
White Moon of Guidance in the night of creation
Zikr Ya Siddiq
Relation to Sound : Listen to the Heavens – Conversation with the Heavenly Voices
4th Station Name Khafa (Hidden)
Characteristic Hidden Knowledge
Prophet Under the authority of Seydina Isa {as}
Higher Reality From the Reality of Seydina Muhammad {SAW}
Sense Smell
Color Green
Meaning Life of the Spirit which comes to inhabit the purified body
Secret Meaning Life of the Natural Elemental world is Life of the Spirit – Secret Ruh
Secret of Resurrection – Qiyama
Secret of the Amr (Command) leaving Qudra and dressing the soul
Secret of the Word – Seydina Isa {as} as a Word from God
Zikr Ya Sayyid
Relation to Sound : Listen to Hidden Sounds contained in words5th Station
Name Akhfa (Most Hidden)
Characteristic Seclusion from creation
Prophet Under the authority of Seydina Muhammad {SAW}
Higher Reality From the Reality of Allah {SWT}
Sense Taste
Color Black
Meaning Disconnect your Self from creation and face the Creator
Secret Meaning Secret of the Cave – Annihilation (Fana) in Divine Presence
Secret of True Meaning of Abd
Secret of Balzakh (Dwelling of “deceased” Soul)
Enter Energy Ocean of Barhul Qudra
Secret of Prayer, Sallawat and Musical Energy – Energy means Angel
Secret of Ayat “Allah and His Angels Pray on the Prophet {SAW}”.
Zikr Ya Allah
Relation to Silence : Perfect Silence in Seclusion – only voice is the Voice of the Truth
Last Words
We hope that you enjoyed this presentation. The realities of Sound, Silence and the 5
Stations of the Heart are eternal oceans of Knowledge that are always expanding. There
is always a new Knowledge coming from these beautiful oceans of the Heart and we
hope that our Guides on the Way continue to nourish all of us with this Heavenly food.
May Allah {SWT} send endless blessings upon His Prophet {SAW} and upon his
blessed family and Companions, and may Allah {SWT} send his special Love to our
GrandShaykh Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al Haqqani {QS}, to our
spiritual Master Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani {QS}, as well as our
mentor As-Sayeed Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi.

CERITA-Luqman Hakim, Sum'ah,Fitnah dan Gosib Adalah Dosa Yang tak Diampuni
CERITA-Surga Bagi Kristiani Dermawan 
CERITA - raja dan bangunan abadi
CERITA - Iblis yang tak menduakan allah terlaknat hanya karena sombong
CERITA-sahabat nabi s.a.w_Kala Ali Telat Subuh Berjamaah 
CERITA - Penjihad yang di takdirkan masuk Neraka
SUFI-MUHAMMAD S.A.W_Penciptaan Nur_part 1
SUFI-MUHAMMAD S.A.W_Penciptaan Nur_part 2
SUFI-MUHAMMAD S.A.W_Penciptaan Nur_part 3
SUFI-MUHAMMAD S.A.W_Penciptaan Nur_part 4
SUFI-MUHAMMAD S.A.W_Penciptaan Nur_part 5
SUFI - ILMU HURUF, Rahasia dari huruf Ba bab1
SUFI - ILMU HURUF, Rahasia dari huruf Ba bab2
SUFI - ILMU HURUF, Rahasia dari huruf Ba bab3
SUFI-Bulan rajab-keutamaannya 
SUFI - Keadaan Ruh Mayat Ketika Baru Meninggal
 DOA-ALFATIHAH keutamaannya
 DOA-Kenapa doa tak di Ijabahi oleh Allah
SHOLAT - Keistimewaan sujud ketika sholat 
SHOLAT - larangan mendahului imam meskipun tak sengaja
IMAN-3 Hal untuk mencicipi manisnya iman

English Verse:
 ILM LETTER, The secret of BA 1