The basic of the letter noon has a meaning
- NOON is the light or NOON is the fire
- In ours body, light is our SOUL and fire is our NAFS
Both, this world and the next world can be NOOR or light or they can be NAAR of fire.(Light you eather enjoin of laser can burn) We are reminded time after time in the Quran, to keep away from things and actions which are harmful.We must try and follow the light and leave alone the things which attract towards the fire.
Even in man or INSAN, ALLAH has placed these two NOONS. The NOON of this world is the body (or NAFS) which is attached to disire. This is the fire. The NOON of the next world is the soul (or Ruh) which commands the body. If the soul is purified, it become NOOR. If the soul is corrupted, it becomes NAAR. INSAN , or man holds the secreat of both worlds. hence the two NOONS in the word of INSAN. To understand the next world, we have to understand ISLAM both from the outer performance of rituals and duties plus the inner spiritual meaning of those ritual,.
Without the spiritual undertanding of the outer rituals and obligations, the outward performance of these rituals, do not carry much weight. This world is the school of learning for the porper conduct in the next world. This world is the school of learning for our existence in the next world. This world is the school of learning for knowing our way in the next world.
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